West Hull

Ellerburn Avenue

The site is located at the northern end of Ellerburn Avenue with Hull Road immediately to the north. The site is previously developed land next to the local shopping centre car park.

The Ellerburn Avenue proposals would provide five 2 bed 4 person family homes set back into the site with vehicular access off the Avenue into a car parking court serving the new homes and providing visitor parking. Existing trees to the front of the new houses would be retained providing an attractive frontage to the road. Each house would have a secure rear garden area.

Sustainable drainage features would be incorporated into the overall design with a rain garden for surface water infiltration as shown on the proposed Layout Plan shown below.

The two storey houses would be raised slightly to address flood risk issues and this is shown on the streetscene image below with access ramps provided from the car park area up to the front of the houses.

Further information on proposals

Hull City Council and their partners welcome all feedback and comments which can be provided below after answering some questions about the proposals.

If you have a further query you can contact us by email on consultations@idplanning.co.uk

For any feedback please use the form below